We went on vacation a few weeks ago to Lake Tahoe and took a tour of the Hellman - Ehrman Mansion State Park . This is the front of Pine Lodge which sits on over 2,000 Acres and was built in 1903. Here is the link if you would like to read more
This is the side of the lodge where there is a gazebo and where you can book weddings now

This lovely couple is our good friends Ken & Sue who went on this trip with us. We have been friends for over 40 years and my hubby has known Ken since Kindergarten over 55 years. They are sitting on the front porch of the mansion waiting for our tour and this is what they are looking at from the porch !

This picture is us standing on the pier looking up at the mansion

Here is Ken wondering around checking out the boathouse and this OLD log cabin

Speaking of Log Cabins here is my Log Cabin quilt top I just finished that is ready to send to the quilter. I made this out of all Jo Morton Providence fabric. This is quilt # 11 for 2011

Smoky is hanging out on the window ledge in the kitchen nook. She barely fits.